Corporate Technology Assessment for Community Health Center

Project Description

A comprehensive primary care community health center needed to identify strengths and deficiencies in the current Corporate infrastructure to build a strategic path toward improved efficiency, customer service, and measurable return on investment. Identifying their needs would enable them to improve overall Information Technology services delivery ensuring its growth is on the right path.

The primary care center contracted with SDI to assess the ability of their current IT infrastructure to support current and future business needs. The SDI Team gathered critical information through staff interviews, site assessments, and internal documentation reviews taking place on-site and through remote communication. This assessment also added a HIPPA perspective in preparation for their annual audit.

Project Goals

The primary care center like many large healthcare systems must balance tight IT budgets with customer expectations and rapidly evolving technology. It is in this changing healthcare IT environment that the primary care center was looking for a partner that could assist and verify the organization’s Corporate IT environment; while providing advice on the implementation of improved models for the delivery of quality, cost-effective, HIPAA compliant and comprehensive Information Technology services.

Services Delivered

SDI interviewed staff and assessed the following technologies:

  • Overall Network and Infrastructure Architecture
  • Perimeter Security
  • Systems Security
  • Network Topology and Speed
  • Servers – Capacity and Performance
  • Routers and Voice Gateways
  • Switches
  • Video Equipment
  • Call Center Infrastructure
  • Database Configuration

Upon completion of the Assessments, SDI presented and delivered a report with recommendations for improvements and critical needs.

Project Results

SDI presented our Report and Recommendations for Strategic Technology Improvements to the primary care center Management. While focusing on each of the areas of IT infrastructure, our Assessment highlights certain deficiencies, or areas of improvement, within the current infrastructure and user environments. Based on our Assessment, the primary care center is now able to make critical technology changes for more efficient and effective operations.

SDI has delivered cost-effective, innovative technology systems to organizations throughout the public and private sectors.

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